You are here: Using > Reports > Adjustments Report

Adjustments Report


The ADJUSTMENT REPORT is a report of debts that have been added or edited for a selected date range. This report is very helpful in determining transactions that may assist in determining the activity of debts and payments for a time frame, such as a day, week, month, quarter or year.





Criteria for Selection - Adjustment Start Date and Adjustment End Date


Order: : - Name


Frequency: This report can be run at anytime.


- As all other reports, this menu requires access rights assigned in the User Setup. Each Account Code/Department must show "ACCESS", not "RESTRICTED". This report can only be generated for the account code/department that the user has access rights to.


1. From the Reports menu:


2. Move the mouse over Adjustment Report and click this option: 


3. The following appears with the selection of default dates of today as Start and End date and All Account Codes:


4. Select the desired Account Code/department:


5. Select one of the two options:


Sample Adjustment Report - for Date Range of one day and All Account Codes:


Adjustment Report Sample - One Day and All Account Codes


This report uses the Print Preview options:


  - terminates the view of the report and returns to the Main Menu: